
Transformational Soul Work

Disrupt Your Patterns

Gain Clarity

Awaken Your Full Potential

Are you ready to do the work?



“Angela compassionately guides us through difficult life circumstances and deep inner work to finally reveal the light of our true selves. I found parallels to my own healing journey with cancer. The sacred practices of Transformational Soul Work lead us towards self-love and authenticity, enabling us to step into conscious wellness by weaving mind, body and spirit in alignment with our full vitality.”

Katharine Shotz,
Marriage Family Therapist  

AWARENESS –   The fertile ground for Transformation

If you feel there is something keeping you from accessing the deeper, richer, more authentic aspect of yourself, you’re in the right place!

What if honoring your own needs didn’t have to feel selfish?

From the testament of her own transformation, Angela’s practice has the potential to change your life.

“ Unconscious conditioning can keep you from
connecting with yourself, with your heart”

– Angela DeSalvo

How My Journey Has Led Me to You

I’m Angela DeSalvo ~ Author of Soul Warrior: how to liberate yourself from survival mode and thrive through any challenge and the Creator of Transformational Soul Work.

It is my calling to guide women and men (like you!) how to recognize and disrupt their habitual patterns in order to gain clarity and awaken to their full potential.

I’ve lived within my own conditioning and realized that life is too short to live with anger, self-doubt, shame, confusion and disbelief in your ability to access your full potential, your true longing.  

You MATTER because you Exist.

I am here to empower you to reclaim yourself so you can remember who you are and access your innate joy that has been hidden for far too long.

How Can I Help You?

Join me in exploring this through Soul Work either 1:1 or in my group circles.

Not sure if Transformational Soul Work is for you?

Schedule an intuitive reading to get a taste of what you may have forgotten along the way…yourself. 


Bodies of water never stay the same and yet there is an element of continuity in its form.

My offerings come from the fluid place in my heart that merges with the energy that is arising, while also being a bystander on the edge of the riverbank witnessing your journey.

deep blue ocean waves reflecting yellow sun


This 1 time session is an introduction into the Transformative potential of Soul Work. During our 90 minute session you will experience being seen in a way unlike any other.

balanced stone ball sculpture on mossy surface


The sessions take on an organic approach, addressing what is arising in present time, while also making the connection to the unspoken underlying issue that is creating the unease.

balanced stone ball sculpture on mossy surface


This is where I channel someone who has passed over. The messages that have come through have always had a specific meaning for the recipient. You also get a personal reading as well.

balanced stone ball sculpture on mossy surface


Group work is conducted in intimate circles of 10 or fewer people over 12 weeks at 2.5 hours a week. This is where practices and inquiry of the particular self-awareness focus is played out.

What my Clients Have to Say


“Angela has a way of bringing out the things we don’t want to face, but must if we want to be the best versions of ourselves. If I could describe her favorite ability, it would be how she held me emotionally accountable with her mindful exercises. It was a nice change from my usual “self-help” tools like running, breathing, yoga..it was intense journaling, question and answer practices and meditation that stuck with me even two years later.” 


“I was initially drawn to Angela because traditional therapy had worn out its welcome, I was exhausted with myself and looking to make a lasting change toward a happier, more productive life. And, at my very first session, Angela got to the core of my being and I was floored and eager to unpack more of my messy life. She’s gifted, her teachings and insights are rare to come by and if you are seeking real, authentic growth that can be implemented immediately do not hesitate to contact Angela and get started.”

– D.R. 

“I found the session very helpful, taking the time to meditate and opening my mind to letting me hear and feel. Also, giving me a certain sense of peace. This is such an unimaginable process , losing a child, yet with these tools I believe it will aid me tremendously through this grief process.”

– P.S.

“Angela DeSalvo is very grounded and centered in her work offerings. She holds a safe space to explore feelings and encourages deeper work. During my reading, we illuminated fears that were hlding me back in my life. Through our session, I felt like I could finally let go of some outdated internalized beliefs about myself that were no longer helpful. That is where the transformation happened, inviting me to see myself anew. Thank you Angela.”

– K.S.


“The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware,
joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware.”

~ Henry Miller

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Angela DeSalvo



Can Vision and Desire be the Same?

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Welcome to 2021 – The Year of Change

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I stay up to date with current trends and consistently invest in my own development, working with mentors/coaches to help me grow personally and professionally.